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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, 01 January 2025 Numbers 6:22-27 + Galatians 4:4-7 + Luke 2:16-21
Still a blessed Merry Christmas to everyone! Please, do not dilute the blessedness of this first day of 2025 with the very secular and empty greeting of Happy New Year. Our first reading says it all how God wants us to be blessed not just happy throughout 2025.
It is still the Christmas season until January 12 when we close it with the Baptism of the Lord. Continue greeting one another with a Merry Christmas because it is also a prayerful wish of blessedness to everyone. Forget that happy new year greeting as well as that inclusive greeting of happy holidays because we are celebrating the birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ who became human like us so that we can be divine like Him.
The Lord said to Moses: “Speak to Aaron and his sons and tell them: This is how you shall bless the Israelite. Say to them: ‘The Lord bless you and keep you! The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!’” (Numbers 6:22-26)
That is why on this eighth day since His birth (octave) that falls on January first, the Church celebrates the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God not the start of a new year as most people wrongly believe.
We honor Mary on this eighth day of Christmas because she is the image of true blessedness. Recall how Elizabeth was the first to call her “blessed among all women” during the Visitation because “she believed the words spoken to her would be fulfilled.” Mary showed us that true blessedness is not found in money and material things or those of the world like fame and popularity. From the Annunciation to the Nativity until finally there on the Cross on Good Friday and later in the beginnings of the Church, Mary affirmed that true blessedness is having God in our hearts by believing in Him, trusting Him, loving Him, serving Him through one another by cooperating in His plans for us.
Mary was truly blessed of all women because she was chosen by God to be the Mother of the Christ not because of any special characteristics but because of His own goodness and immense love. This we find clearly in the first reading when God freely gave his blessings to all people to all time, instructing Moses and Aaron of how they should bless the people. St. Paul wrote it so well in the second reading, “When the fullness of time had come, God sent his Son, born of a woman” (Gal.4:4) to show that we need not do anything at all for we cannot earn – not even Mary the Mother of Jesus Christ – God’s blessings and favors.
As a gift freely given, God’s blessings of which Jesus is the greatest must always be received and appreciated by the recipients, us! In blessing us, we have become more like God as the “Lord let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you!” (Nm.6:25).
What a beautiful prayer of blessing that God’s face may shine on us. Imagine Mary as the Mother of Jesus truly the first human on whom God’s face literally first shone as she was the first along with Joseph and then the shepherds to have seen the Son of God who became human. However, that blessing of God’s face shining on us can only happen if like Mary we also cooperate with His grace.
To let God’s face to shine on us means fulfillment, that is, eternal life which is to experience God and His presence even in our finite world. Right in our modern time, we can feel God’s blessings still being poured out especially as we remember Pope Benedict XVI’s death on December 31, 2022. Here is indeed a great human, like Mary who kept reflecting in her heart the word of God.
As he approached death, Pope Benedict still wrote and spoke so much about God and His importance and relevance to our modern times. In fact, he said “the face of God” is eternal life “where God is always new” because “with God there is perpetual, unending encounter, with new discoveries and new joy” as he explained to Peter Seewald in 2016.
Truly a holy and blessed man, Pope Benedict said this may sound very theological but on the human level, it is something we always experience as we approach old age when we look forward to meeting our own family and friends who have gone ahead of us.
That is when we truly experience peace within us when we look with gratitude to the past and with joyful expectation to the future, not seeking anymore anything for ourselves because we are contented. All we have in our hearts are joy and wonder because of Jesus so alive within us like Mary His Mother.
At the start of this new year, let us discard those pagan practice of lighting fireworks and firecrackers to drive away evil spirits long ago driven away by Christ. Let us imitate Mary by being silent in prayers, keeping everything in her heart, reflecting where God is leading us this 2025. Stay blessed this new year with Mary by having only Jesus, always Jesus in your heart. Amen. God bless you always!