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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Tuesday in the Seventh Week of Easter, 23 May 2023 Acts 20:17-27 ><))))*> + ><))))*> + ><))))*> John 17:1-11
Lord Jesus Christ, give me the courage and strength to choose what is most difficult in order for me to follow you more closely. It is in choosing the most difficult that we are able to follow and do your most holy will, Lord; it is in the most difficult, in the most painful, and in the most trying when we become truly selfless, being able to give ourselves to you, Lord, through others like your great apostle St. Paul.
“But now, compelled by the Spirit, I am going to Jerusalem. What will happen to me there I do not know, except that in one city after another the Holy Spirit has been warning me that imprisonment and hardships await me. Yet I consider life of no importance to me, if only I may finish my course and the ministry that I received from the Lord Jesus, to bear witness to the Gospel of God’s grace.”
Acts of the Apostles 20:22-24
How ironic, dear Jesus that in this age when the instant and easy ways are glorified and desired much especially when they bring fame and wealth, the more our lives have become empty of meaning and lacking directions. Keep me close to you, Jesus, especially to your Cross for it is through your suffering and death we also enter eternal life in you. Amen.