Veritas PH



Restore us, O Lord

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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II
Tuesday in the Sixteenth Week of Ordinary Time, Year II, 23 July 2024
Micah 7:14-15, 18-20     <'[[[[><  +  ><]]]]'>     Matthew 12:46-50
Photo by Ravi Kant on

Restore us, O god our savior, and abandon your displeasure against us. Will you be ever angry with us, prolonging your anger to all generations? Will you not instead give us life; and shall not your people rejoice in you? Show us, O Lord, your kindness, and grant us your salvation (Today’s Responsorial Psalm 85:5-8).

It has been raining 
for almost a week in many
parts of the country of the world
with images of floods everywhere,
many are perennial ones but
many are so unusual and unheard of;
everybody is complaining,
everybody is blaming
everyone for the disaster
except one's self.
That is why I love the
psalmist's prayer today:
"Restore us, O God our savior";
it has so many meanings
and applications so relevant
these days of rains and floods -
repair and renovate the many
roads and homes destroyed;
but most of all,
bring us back to You, O God;
let us return to You
by finding each one a family
 as Jesus taught us
in today's gospel,
"For whoever does the will
of my heavenly Father
is my brother,
and sister,
and mother"
(Matthew 12:50).
Like the remnants of Israel
the Prophet Micah spoke of
in the first reading,
keep me faithful, standing before
You, O Lord in these trying
times of natural and human disasters.
Photo by Pixabay on


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Gospel Reading for July 23, 2024 – Matthew 12: 46-50


While Jesus was speaking to the crowds, his mother and his brothers appeared outside, wishing to speak with him. Someone told him, “Your mother and your brothers are standing outside, asking to speak with you.” But he said in reply to the one who told him, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother.”


There are those who use this reading to disrespect Mary, believing that Jesus did not give her importance at all. Those who act or think this way do not understand that Jesus was emphasizing INCLUSIVITY in his family: that ALL OF US who do the will of God is part of his family.

Jesus, Son of God was sent on a mission on earth and had to become human to save humankind. He needed a mother to be born into the human family, and Mary was chosen for this. Because Mary was so attuned to the Father’s will, she said “yes” despite the haziness of what it meant to be the mother of the Son of God. When Jesus said, “whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother” he was also describing his own mother. As Jesus was born to be given to all who hope for salvation, he gave Mary to us to be our mother too (John 19: 26-27).
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for giving us your own mother and for giving us the chance to be members of your family!

‘Buwis-buhay’ para sa mga PWD

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Mga Kapanalig, nag-viral ang PWD ramp sa isang istasyon ng EDSA Busway sa Quezon City. Sa inauguration na ginawa ng Department of Transportation at Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (o MMDA), maraming nakapansing tila masyadong matarik at madulas ang bagong rampa  para mga persons with disability (o PWD).

Batay sa Batas Pambansa (o BP) 344 o Accessibility Law, hindi tataas sa 4.8 degrees o 1:12 ang slope ng PWD-accessible ramp. Ibig sabihin, sa bawat isang metrong rise o pag-akyat, hindi dapat bababa sa labindalawang metro ang run o haba ng rampa. Ayon kay Architect Armand Eustaquio, na isa sa mga nagbalangkas ng Implementing Rules and Regulations ng BP 344, ang nag-viral na rampa ay may anggulong higit sa 14 degrees o slope na 1:4. Tatlong beses na mas matarik ito kaysa sa pamantayan. Dagdag pa ni Architect Eustaquio, layunin ng BP 344 na magbigay-daan sa independent mobility at empowerment ng mga PWD, at hindi ito nakamit ng mga nasa likod ng pagtatayo ng nasabing rampa.

Ayon naman sa wheelchair user na si Nelson Belo ng Life Haven, isang non-profit organization ng mga PWD, hindi niya magagamit ang rampa dahil masyadong matarik at delikado ito. Mahirap din itong gamitin kahit na may umaalalay sa wheelchair user. Panawagan niya sa gobyerno, kung magtatayo ito ng mga PWD ramp, konsultahin dapat ang mga may kapansanang gagamit ng mga ito.

Paliwanag ng MMDA, sinusunod lamang nila ang height restriction ng MRT. Hindi man daw ito ang “perpektong disenyo,… malaking tulong pa rin ito” sa mga senior citizens, buntis, at ibang mga PWD na hindi naka-wheelchair. Magtatalaga rin ito ng mga tauhang aalalay sa mga PWD na mahihirapang gumamit ng rampa. Iginiit naman ni MMDA Chairman Romando Artes na hindi mali ang disenyo; iyon lang daw talaga ang magagawa sa limitadong espasyo. Giit niya, hindi naman daw ito masyadong matarik. Gayunpaman, may kinausap na ang MMDA na architectural firm na magsusuri sa rampa at magmumungkahi kung paano gawing mas accessible ito. Gagawin daw muna ang improvements bago buksan ang rampa sa publiko.

Hindi na bago ang ganitong kapalpakan sa ating mga pasilidad pagdating sa accessibility para sa mga kapatid nating PWD. Marami sa PWD ang hindi gaanong lumalabas ng bahay o nililimitahan nila ang pag-commute dahil sa mga imprastrakturang hindi isinasaalang-alang ang kanilang mga pangangailangan. Pahayag nga ni Senador Grace Poe, imbis na makatulong sa mga PWD, “magiging buwis-buhay pa” ang paggamit ng mga pasilidad na itinatayo ng gobyerno. Taliwas sa sinabi ni MMDA Chairman Artes, mali ang ginawa nilang rampa. Labag ito sa batas at inilalagay nito sa peligro ang mga PWD. Sinasayang ang pera ng taumbayan sa mga palpak na proyektong para sana sa mga nangangailangan habang milyun-milyong piso ang ginagastos para sa magarbong SONA o bilyun-bilyong piso naman para sa kontrobersyal na bagong gusali ng Senado. Sa Catholic social teaching na Fratelli Tutti, sinabi ni Pope Francis na ang pag-aalala natin sa mga may kapansanan ay hindi tumitigil sa pangangalaga sa kanila. Kailangan ding mabigyan sila ng boses at matiyak ang kanilang aktibong pakikilahok sa lipunan.

Mga Kapanalig, ang sistema ng transportasyon na accessible para sa mga PWD ay accessible para sa lahat. Ito ang kabutihang panlahat o common good. Malinaw dapat sa mga lingkod-bayan ang kanilang responsabilidad sa taumbayan. Mahalagang isulong din natin ang kulturang mapagmalasakit, mapagmahal, at hindi nagsasantabi sa mga batayang sektor katulad ng mga PWD. Tanggalin natin ang mga hadlang sa Malaya at maginhawang pagkilos ng mga PWD. Katulad ng wika sa Levitico 19:14, huwag tayong maglalagay ng balakid sa daraanan ng mga kapatid nating may kapansanan.

Sumainyo ang katotohanan.

We are Mary Magdalene

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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II
Monday, Feast of St. Mary Magdalene, 22 July 2024
Song of Songs 3:1-4     <*{{{{><  +  ><}}}}*>    John 20:1-2, 11-18
“The Appearance of Christ to Mary Magdalene” painting by Alexander Ivanov (1834-1836) at the Russian Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia from
We rejoice today, Lord Jesus,
for this most wondrous Feast of
your friend St. Mary Magdalene:
in her we find hope and joy
that like her, we who are sinners
are assured of a grace-filled future,
of a trustworthy friend in You,
and abounding love and mercy
also in You.
We are, dear Jesus,
the modern Mary Magdalene:
sinful and worldly,
perhaps so vain with our
outside appearance and bearing
in public, sometimes on the brink
of giving up in life because nobody seem
to care at all for us;
many times like Mary Magdalene,
we walk alone in darkness 
searching for You, Lord Jesus;
many times we wonder too
how we could move the huge 
and heavy stone of past sins,
weaknesses and failures, 
addictions and vices 
that cover us and prevent us
from moving forward, finding You;
many times, O Lord,
we mistake You for somebody else
like Mary Magdalene when she mistook
You to be the gardener at the tomb
because we are so preoccupied
of many things in life. 

But, You assure us today
on this Feast of St. Mary Magdalene
our fears and assumptions are not 
true at all; help us to stop clinging 
to our many past for You are not there,
Jesus; You are always in the here and now,
in the present moment, personally calling us
in our name like Mary!

The Bride says: On my bed at night I sought him whom my heart loves – I sought him but I did not find him. I will rise then and go about the city; in the streets and crossings I will seek him whom my heart loves. I sought him but I did not find him. The watchmen came upon me as they made their rounds of the city. Have you seen him whom my heart loves? I have hardly left them when I found him whom my heart loves (Song of Songs 3:1-4).

Like that lover,
the Bride in the first reading,
we are Mary Magdalene
in search of love and meaning
in this world;
in search of You, Jesus,
our Lord and Savior;
so often, we seek You
in this world, in its loud noise
of too much self bragging
as well as in the midst of the
world's riches and powers;
the more we seek You,
the more elusive You have become
until You came when like Mary Magdalene
we have believed in You,
we have listened to You.
we have become silent
and attentive
to You, Lord Jesus;
thank You for coming,
thank You for finding me,
thank You for calling me
like Mary
to proclaim You are risen
to others who believe in You,
searching You,
waiting for You.


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Gospel Reading for July 22, 2024 – John 20: 1-2, 11-18


On the first day of the week, Mary Magdalene came to the tomb early in the morning, while it was still dark, and saw the stone removed from the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and told them, “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.”

Mary stayed outside the tomb weeping. And as she wept, she bent over into the tomb and saw two angels in white sitting there, one at the head and one at the feet where the Body of Jesus had been. And they said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She said to them, “They have taken my Lord, and I don’t know where they laid him.” When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus there, but did not know it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?” She thought it was the gardener and said to him, “Sir, if you carried him away, tell me where you laid him, and I will take him.” Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to him in Hebrew, “Rabbouni,” which means Teacher. Jesus said to her, “Stop holding on to me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father. But go to my brothers and tell them, ‘I am going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.'” Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord,” and then reported what he told her.


Mary Magdalene, whose feast we celebrate today, went to the tomb to apply nard on Jesus’ body and wept when she thought that someone took away his body. She then sees the resurrected Jesus, and although it is not said in the Bible, she must have been so happy when she reported this to the disciples.
When someone dear to us dies, we tend to always want to visit the cemetery (not that this is wrong). We tend to HOLD ON TO whatever remains of our beloved dead, but we have to remember the resurrection of Jesus and how we and our loved ones too, if true followers of Jesus, also resurrect and gain entry into eternal life. We do not lose them. We even gain saints who will pray for us when they enter heaven.

All Saints in heaven, pray for us who strive to follow Jesus on earth!

Saan aabot ang ₱20 milyon ng SONA?

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Mga Kapanalig, ngayon ang ikatlong State of the Nation Address (o SONA) ni Pangulong BBM.

Bago ang araw na ito, naging usap-usapan ang inilaang 20 milyon pisong budget para sa okasyong ito. Ayon kay House Secretary-General Reginald Velasco, ang budget na ito ay gagamitin daw para sa mga sumusunod: pagkain at inumin ng lahat ng staff, personnel, at mga bisita; tatlong set ng uniporme para sa 2,000 na secretariat; mga tauhan, kagamitan, at renovation para sa seguridad sa Batasang Pambansa; mga meeting bilang paghahanda ng mga ahensya; mga imbitasyon at giveaways para sa mga bisita; mga audio-vidual equipment; at mga halaman at bulaklak na pangdekorasyon.
Sa tingin ninyo, saan pa kaya aabot ang 20 milyong pisong ito?

Makapagpapatayo na ito ng walong silid-aralan, base sa itinakdang presyo ng Department of Education na 2.5 milyong piso para sa isang classroom. Kaya rin nitong bumili ng 400,000 kilong bigas, ayon sa Kabataan Partylist. Anila, “insensitive” daw ang napakalaking budget na ito para sa SONA, lalo na’t maraming Pilipinong naghihirap.

Hindi rin sang-ayon ang Kabataan Partylist sa pagbabawal sa mga dadalo sa SONA na magsuot ng mga damit na may political messages, gaya ng karaniwang ginagawa ng mga nasa oposisyon. Sabi ni House Secretary-General Velasco, hindi araw ng pagpoprotesta ang SONA. Nagbanta siyang maaaring arestuhin at idetine ang mga susuway. Hindi ito ikinatuwa ni ACT Teachers Partylist representative France Castro. Labag daw ang kautusang ito sa freedom of expression ng mga mamamayan.

Speaking of damit, sa taun-taong pagdaraos ng SONA, mistulang nagiging fashion event ito kung saan nagpapabonggahan ng damit ang mga dumadalo. Hindi iba ang SONA sa araw na ito, lalo na’t napangunahan na ito ng 20 milyon pisong gastos. Isa itong magarbong araw para sa pag-uulat tungkol sa estado ng ating bayan na maraming naghihirap at baon sa utang.

Ang SONA ay paraan ng pangulong ipresenta ang kasalukuyang sitwasyon ng bansa at ng mga mamamayan, pati ang mga nagawa at ginagawa ng pamahalaan. Hindi sana ang mga dekorasyon at kagarbuhan ng SONA ang main attraction, kundi ang mga tao at ang tunay na kalagayan ng bansa. Imbis na patahimikin ang mga nagpoprotesta, pakinggan din dapat ng pamahalaan ang daíng ng mga mamamayan, kahit hindi SONA. Huwag nating hayaang masilaw tayo ng kagarbuhan ng SONA at mabulag sa tunay na nangyayari sa ating bayan.

Taglay ng pamahalaan ang awtoridad na unahin ang kapakanan ng taumbayan. Ayon iyan sa Catholic social teaching na Immortale Dei. Tayong mga mamamayan naman ay may karapatan sa malayang pananalita o right to free speech. Kung gayon, gaya ng sinasabi sa Mga Kawikaan 31:8-9, “Ipagtanggol [natin] ang mga ‘di makalaban … Ipahayag [natin] nang malinaw ang katotohanan at ang katuwiran, at igawad ang katarungan sa api at mahirap.”

Mga Kapanalig, sa lahat ng ginagawa ng gobyerno, SONA man o hindi, dapat na malinaw sa atin kung paano nito inuuna ang kapakanan ng mga mamamayan. Wala rin dapat mga hadlang sa malaya at responsable nating pagpapahayag ng ating saloobin at opinyon, lalo na kung ang mga ito ay upang manawagan para sa mga panukala at programang magpapabuti ng kapakanan ng mga mamamayan.

Sumainyo ang katotohanan.


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16th Sunday B
Jeremiah 23:1-6

Prophet Jeremiah attributes the troubles faced by Israel (defeat and deportation) to a lack of leadership, corruption, and neglect by their kings (Ch 22). The kings, acting as shepherds in the name of God, have failed in tending to the flock. In biblical thought, the king was considered the supreme shepherd on earth, (cf s1S#28 Shepherd, 4/25/21, “ro’ēh” ( רֹ֥עֵה ): in OT, it refers, most of the times to rulers of the people, like the king, royal officers, elders, judges). When he fails, disaster follows. However, after condemning these past kings (v1ff), the prophet speaks of a time of restoration (v3ff) to be led by a messianic king, representing everything his predecessors failed to be: he will rule on David’s throne with complete covenant fidelity (v5), and as righteous, he will be a concrete manifestation of Yahweh’s justice (v6).

Mark 6:30-40
This account marks the end of the first mission of the twelve (6:7-13) and sets the stage for the story of the feeding of the five thousand (6:34-44). After the twelve reported their success (v30), Jesus called them to a desert place to rest. However, the people prevent any respite for the disciples (v31). They quickly reach the destination on foot ahead of the disciples by boat (v33). Despite the crowd thwarting his desire to rest, there is no sign of annoyance in Jesus’ attitude. He begins to teach at once, fulfilling the prophetic word of Jeremiah and others that Yahweh’s people would be shepherded (verse 34; Numbers 27:17, Ezekiel 34:5f), which includes feeding and providing. Jesus stands before them full of compassion.

Ephesians 2:13-18
The word “peace” appears four times in these verses, with Christ simply defined as “our peace” in one instance (v14). Harmony between God and humanity was disrupted by Adam’s sin, resulting in alienation among people themselves, as illustrated in the Cain-Abel narrative (Gen 4). Christ has restored the original relationship on the vertical (Rom 6:10) and horizontal (Gal 3:27f) planes. With the right order re-established, peace now exists between Jew and Gentile through the elimination of the barrier that separated them (v14), brought about by the death and resurrection of Christ (v13). This results in a new creation and a new order centered on the formation of a new person, the body of Christ, where all find their unity (vv15ff; Col 1:20ff).
Today’s readings emphasize the importance of shepherding. Jesus, the righteous shepherd, brought us reconciliation and peace. He continues to shepherd us by teaching his word during the Liturgy of the Word and by ‘spreading the table before us’ during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. He is the one who still has compassion for any vast crowd, which is like sheep without a shepherd, but he only has us to show this. Are we all up to this challenge of Jesus? May it be so. Amen!


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Gospel Reading for July 21, 2024 – Mark 6: 30-34


The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught. He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.” People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat. So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place. People saw them leaving and many came to know about it. They hastened there on foot from all the towns and arrived at the place before them.

When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd; and he began to teach them many things.


The apostles were now having their OJT and they must have been so excited when they were reporting to Jesus all they had done and taught the people. But, Jesus taught them something very important for those who are in the ministry, clergy or lay – the need to get away from it all by connecting with God. The rest of a worker in the vineyard is not merely physical but very much spiritual. When so many people follow us, listen to us, believe in the things we say and do, there is GREAT DANGER in falling into the devil’s trap – that of taking pride in our ability to draw crowds, and forgetting that all our capabilities come from God and that we are just instruments in his work of salvation.

Prayer, or connecting with God, is not only for those in the ministry. It is for all Christians. If we go about life doing things without connecting with God, it is like losing connection with our internet server, thus being unable to do anything online. Life will be EXTRA DIFFICULT if we lose connection with God, because all that is good comes from him alone!

Be with us Lord, every step of the way!

Rest is to be close with Jesus, close with others

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The Lord Is My Chef Sunday Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II
Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle B, 21 July 2024
Jeremiah 23:1-6 ><}}}}*> Ephesians 2:13-18 ><}}}}*> Mark 6:30-34
Photo by author, Katmon Nature Sanctuary &Beach Resort, Infanta, Quezon March 2023.

After being sent “two by two” last Sunday, the Apostles now return to Jesus, reporting “all they had done and taught.”  What a beautiful gospel scene this Sunday, supposed to be our day of rest that begins in God and must be rooted in God.

The apostles gathered together with Jesus and reported all they had done and taught.  He said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.”  People were coming and going in great numbers, and they had no opportunity even to eat.  So they went off in the boat by themselves to a deserted place (Mark 6:30-32).

Last Sunday we were reminded to rediscover the family and friends sent with us “two by two” in this life while today the Lord wants us to be aware of our need to rest in order to rediscover Him first of all, then one’s self and others.

Unfortunately, many people today have entirely forgotten the meaning and importance of rest that we succumb to all kinds of sickness related with stress and fatigue. In fact, Filipino workers were recently ranked as the second worst in terms of work-life balance in a worldwide survey. One factor it cited is the lesser paid vacation leaves our workers have compared with their counterparts in other countries.

Photo by author, Sonnenberg Resort, Davao City, 2017.

Rest is not only stopping from work to be recharged like cellphone batteries; we are not things like robots and drones sent out simply for a task that once achieved, no more.  We are inter-related persons meant to form bonds and unity, a family and a community. That is the result of our being sent on a mission to share God’s creative works leading to our union in Him with others.

God rested and made Sabbath holy after creation because He had completed all His works that were all good; we, on the other hand, merely participate in His creative works. That is why no matter how hard we push ourselves with our work, we can’t completely finish them as more things to do come along the way, making us bored or stressed out because we could no longer find life but simply routine. We have been so focused on accomplishing many things as if we are the savior of the world (messianic complex) that we feel so important, bloating our ego. That is when we start literally throwing our weight to those around us like in those reels of road rage. The sad part of this is how we eventually hurt the people we love and supposed to serve like the shepherds of the Old Testament that God through Jeremiah had accused to have “misled and scattered” the people of Israel (Jer.23:1).

Photo by author, border between Jordan and Israel, May 2019.

Today, Jesus is inviting us to “Come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while (Mk.6:31)” to remind us that in everything we do in this life, what matters most is not the task but us, the persons we love and care for, and Christ who is our only fulfillment in life.

Like the apostles, we have to return to Jesus precisely because our mission, our work is not ours but Christ’s. We need to return to Jesus every Sunday in the Eucharist when we are nourished by His words and strengthened by His Body and Blood to sustain us in our mission.

Rest is neither doing nothing like sleeping all day or doing anything we like that we forget God and in the process, our very self and others. Rest is a time of conversion when we lay aside our plans and agenda by returning to God so that we could have focus again in this life. Rest is actually to be filled with God, to be holy.

This we find expressed perfectly in our Filipino word for rest which is pahinga from the root hinga or breath that is spiritus in Latin. To rest in Filipino is mag-pa-hinga that literally means hingahanto be breathed on. Genesis tells us how God breathed on man to be alive after creating him while in John’s Gospel we find Jesus breathed on His apostles after greeting them with peace twice on the night of Easter when He appeared to them at the Upper Room. From here we get that beautiful imagery of rest as being breathed on by God – mag-pa-hinga sa Diyos – which is to be closer with God!

Here now is the challenge and best part of the good news this Sunday: the more closer we get to God in Jesus and through Jesus especially on Sunday our day of rest, the more we must get closer with others. The more we pray, the more we rest in the Lord, the more we serve, the more we love.

Mark told us how Jesus invited the Twelve to “come away by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while” but the people saw them and even got earlier to the other side of the lake!

When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, for they were like sheep without a shepherd and he began to teach them many things (Mark 6:34).

Photo by author in the Holy Land, 2019.

Rest is more than the amount of time spent “resting” but the disposition to be with the Lord, to be one with Him that we become holy like Him. That moment when Jesus led the Twelve to rest was already a “rest” for Him that resulted in serving more the people who have followed them.

Jesus being moved with pity for the people indicated His rest and communion with the Father expressed in His oneness with the suffering people who were like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus has always been one with the Father right from the very start until His death on the Cross where He declared “It is finished” and commended His total self to the Father.

The truest sense of us having a real rest, of getting closer with God is when we get closer with others especially those entrusted to our love and care like our loved ones and those who are poor and sick.

Problem these days among us priests including laypeople is our wrong idea about rest; we do not really rest at all but simply indulge in pleasures that are many times scandalous for being godless and unmindful of other people. True rest makes our hearts natural to be aware of the sufferings of others, to be one with them or at least take their plight into consideration in our rest.

We can only say “mission accomplished” to rest when we are one with God through others that St. Paul explains in the second reading at how Jesus Christ reconciled us all through the Cross, “putting an enmity to death by it” (Eph. 2:16). Next Sunday, this we shall see when after teaching and healing the people in that deserted place, Jesus would feed the crowd of over 5000 people from just a few loaves of bread and pieces of fish.

Let us rest in the Lord to prepare our hearts and souls as well as our tired body to be filled with God so we can fill others too with Him. Let us pray:

Lord Jesus Christ,
we live in a highly competitive world
of 24/7 wherein everyone is so busy
that we forget You and the persons 
You have entrusted to us;
remind us we are not the Messiah
nor a superhero to save the world;
we can only do as much in this life
as God had accomplished all for us
 in You, the Christ;
let us take two or three 
even five steps backwards 
to let You, Jesus,
do your work in us.

Homily July 21, 2024

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16th Sunday of Ordinary Time Cycle B
Jer 23, 1-6 Eph 2:13-18 Mk 6:30-34

Pagkalito. Walang pagkakaisa. Nagkakagulo. Madaling masilo ng iba. Nanghihina. Iyan ang katangian ng kawan na walang pastol o napapabayaan ng pastol. Iyan din ang kalagayan ng mga tao na walang maayos na leader.

Noong panahon ni Jeremias magulo ang kalagayan ng mga tao. Ang mga leaders nila ay walang malasakit sa kanila. Nalilito ang mga tao. Kakampi ba sila sa mga Egipciano o sa mga Babylonians? Ito ang dalawang world powers noon na nag-aaway. Hindi nagkakaisa ang mga tao sa pagsunod sa batas ng Diyos. Ang iba ay sumasamba sa mga Baal, mga diyos-diyosan ng mga taga Canaan, sa halip na si Yahweh lamang ang sasambahin nila. Iyan din ang kalagayan natin ngayon. Nalilito tayo, kakampi ba tayo sa Tsina o sa USA, ang dalawang nag-uumpugang bato? Maraming mga Pilipino ay kailangang mangibang bansa upang makapaghanap buhay sa kanilang pamilya. Dahil dito nakakalat ang mga Pilipino sa bawat sulok ng mundo. At parang pinaglalaruan lang tayo ng mga leaders natin. Iba-iba ang political parties at mga political alliances na nangyayari ngayong malapit na ang eleksyon. Ang mga political parties ay mga pangalan lamang na wala namang mga prinsipio na pinaninindigan. Nandiyan din ang pagsisinungaling at pagkukunwari. Sino ba ang maaasahan natin na nagsasabi ng totoo? Para tayong mga tupa na walang pastol. Nalilito tayo.

Nangako ang Diyos noon pang panahon ni propeta Jeremias na magpapadala siya ng hari mula sa lipi ni David. Paiiralin ng leader na ito ang katarungan at magiging mapayapa ang communidad. Itong pangakong ito ay natupad pagdating ni Jesus. Siya ang liwanag ng mundo na tumatanglaw sa atin. Sa ating ebanghelyo ngayong Linggo narinig natin ang kanyang pagiging mabuting pastol.

Una, gusto niya na lalong mas maraming tao ang maabot ng Magandang Balita. Kaya pinadala niya ang kanyang mga apostol upang mangaral at magpalayas ng masamang Espiritu sa iba’t-ibang lugar. Pangawala, may pagmamalasakit si Jesus sa kanyang mga alagad. Pagdating nila, pagod sila at bising-busy sa mga tao na lumalapit sa kanila kaya wala na silang panahon kahit kumain man lang. Kaya siya ay nagsuggest sa kanila na pumunta sa isang tahimik na lugar upang magpahinga. Pangatlo, bilang mabuting pastol si Jesus ay nahabag din sa mga tao na litong-lito na naghahanap ng leader na gagabay sa kanila. Nababahala siya sa mga tao. Talagang eager na eager silang lumapit sa kanya. Pang-apat, bilang mabuting pastol isinantabi niya ang kanyang sariling pangangailangan at tinugunan niya ang pangangailangan ng mga tao. Kahit na siya ay pagod din at gustong magpahinga, kinalimutan niya ang kanyang pangangailangan. Nagpaiwan siya sa pampang ng dagat at doon tinuruan niya ang mga tao. Ang pagtuturo ay isang mabisang paraan upang pastulin ang mga tao. Ang mga aral ay nagbibigay ng direksyon at nagpapasigla sa mga tao. Kaya ang pagiging guro ni Jesus ay isang paraan ng pagganap niya ng pagiging mabuting pastol.

Si Jesus nga ang mabuting pastol na dumating upang gabayan at iligtas ang kawan ng Diyos. Inalay niya ang kanyang buhay para sa mga tupa. Pinagpapatuloy ng simbahan ang pagpapastol ng bayan ng Diyos. Kaya nandiyan ang Santo Papa, ang mga obispo, mga pari, mga madre at mga leader laiko upang patuloy na pastulin ang mga tao.

Pero walang masyadong magagawa ang pastol kung hindi naman sumunod sa kanya ang mga tupa. Kaya hindi lang sapat na may pastol, kailangan din ang pagsunod ng mga tupa. Sana po tayo ay maging katulad ng mga tao na kahit na mahirap at malayo, sila ay patakbong pumupunta kung nasaan papunta si Jesus. Lumapit tayo kay Jesus, makinig tayo sa kanya at tanggapin natin siya. Hayaan natin na gabayan tayo ng ating mabuting pastol.

Maraming boses tayong naririnig ngayon na nang-aakit sa atin. May nagsasabi na mabuti daw ang divorce. May nananawagan na ipagpatuloy ang digmaan sa Ukraine at sa Gaza. May mga nagsasabi na sugpuin na ang Tsina sa pang-aabuso nila. Ngayong papasok na ang panahon ng pangangampanya, mas lalong iingay ang mga tao sa pagsuporta sa kanilang mga kandidato na may iba’t-ibang pananaw. Sana po bigyan natin ng suporta ang sinasabi ng simbahan. Hindi lang ito isang boses sa maraming boses. Dinadala nito ang tinig ng mabuting pastol upang tayo ay gabayan. Tulad ng binabanggit natin na sumasampalataya ako sa Diyos Ama, sa Diyos Anak at sa Diyos Espiritu Santo, binabanggit din natin na sumasampalataya ako sa Simbahang Katolika. Pinapastol tayo ngayon ng simbahan. Wala namang interes ang simbahan kundi ituro sa atin ang kalooban ng Diyos, katanggap-tanggap man ito sa mga tao o hindi. Dahil dito madalas iba ang sinasabi ng simbahan kaysa sinasabi ng mga politiko o mga business leaders. Ang interes lang ng simbahan ay ang mabuti sa mga tao ayon sa Salita ng Diyos. Kaya hindi siya nagpapadala sa public opinion o kung ano ang uso. Manalig tayo sa Diyos at sundin natin ang simbahan.


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Gospel Reading for July 20, 2024 – Matthew 12: 14-21


The Pharisees went out and took counsel against Jesus to put him to death. When Jesus realized this, he withdrew from that place. Many people followed him, and he cured them all, but he warned them not to make him known. This was to fulfill what had been spoken through Isaiah the prophet: Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved in whom I delight; I shall place my Spirit upon him, and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles. He will not contend or cry out, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets. A bruised reed he will not break, a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory. And in his name the Gentiles will hope.


Jesus exuded too much power in his preaching and in his healing of the sick, making him very popular among the people. It made those who had ambitions to be popular among the people, VERY INSECURE. He did not fight it out with them because he was not competing against them in the first place, but he just withdrew away from them and moved on to other places where he was very much needed. It was not yet time for him to be executed. There was still so much to do for the people of Israel.

Sometimes, what keeps us from doing good or excelling in our service to God, is our fear of being made the center of intrigues. Jealousy, which arises from insecurity, has the tendency to destroy the object of jealousy, hence the intrigues. It would be good for us to learn how Jesus handled his enemies in order to fulfill his mission. Let us not be afraid of the devil who always works double-time so we may abandon our mission as baptized Christians: to be Christ’s witnesses in our lives, to give humble service to humankind in his name, and to be connected with the Trinity in prayer, especially in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass – The Eucharist.

Jesus’ victory was his Resurrection. By virtue of his resurrection, our victory is a life in eternity with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Send us your Spirit, Lord, that we may never falter in our mission despite the obstacles!

Green Transport

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Kapanalig, marami ang nagpapasalamat ngayon na may opsyon na tayong maka-work from home. Ang public transport sa ating mga syudad ngayon ay lubhang malupit na, lalo para sa mga maralitang Pilipino. Dahil sa iba iba ang uri ng ating kabuhayan, marami pa rin sa atin ang no choice – kapit patalim, kapit tuko sa uri ng public transport sa ating mga urban areas ngayon.

Kaya’t ang konsepto ng green transport, iisipin mo pa lang, ay parang malamig na inuming tubig sa gitna ng init ng tag-araw. Darating kaya ito sa ating bansa? Kailan kaya?

Ang green transport ay tumutukoy sa mga sistema ng transportasyon na mababa ang carbon footprint sa kapaligiran. Nagtataguyod ito ng mas malinis at mas sustainable na paraan ng pagbiyahe. Ligtas ito para sa lahat – makatao ito, makakalikasan, at maka Diyos.

Sa green transport, mas environment-friendly ang mga sasakyan. Mas dadami na ang sasakyan tulad ng electric vehicles (EVs) at hybrid cars na nakakatulong upang mabawasan ang emisyon ng greenhouse gases. Mangyari lamang nga sana ito sa Metro Manila na kilala sa matinding air pollution ngayon, ang laking pagbabago at ginhawa agad. Ang pagbabawas sa paggamit ng mga fossil fuel-powered vehicles magdudulot ng mas malinis na hangin, na magdudulot ng mas mabuting kalusugan para sa mga residente ng Metro Manila.

Tipid din sa enerhiya kapag laganap ang green transport sa bayan dahil sinusulong nito ang renewable energy sources. Ang mga EVs, halimbawa, ay maaaring i-charge gamit ang solar o wind power, na nagreresulta sa mas mababang dependency sa mga imported na krudo at mas mababang gastos sa enerhiya. Magbubukas din ito ng mga ng mga bagong oportunidad para sa trabaho at negosyo dahil ang industriya ng renewable energy at electric vehicles ay may potensyal na magbigay ng trabaho sa maraming Pilipino at magdala ng pamumuhunan sa bansa.

Sabay sa pagsulong ng mga non-motorized o hybrid transport, kailangan din sana natin isulong ang biking at walking bilang mga pangunahing paraan ng transportasyon. Hindi lamang ito eco-friendly, nakakatulong din ito sa pagpapabuti ng kalusugan. Ang pagtatayo ng mga bike lanes at pedestrian-friendly infrastructure ay maghihikayat sa mga tao na magbisikleta o maglakad papunta sa kanilang destinasyon.

Ang pagsulong ng green transport sa Metro Manila at iba pa nating urban areas ay kritikal para sa ating survival. Hindi lamang ito usapang aesthetic o pagtitipid, ito ay usaping katarungan at sustainable development. Ang pagsulong nito ay maaaring maging mahirap at nangangailangan ng kooperasyon mula sa lahat ng sektor ng lipunan, ngunit ang mga benepisyo nito para sa kalusugan, ekonomiya, at kapaligiran ay higit na mas malaki kaysa sa mga hamon na kakaharapin. Pukawin nawa tayo ng pahayag ng ating St. Pope John Paul II noong World Day of Peace noong 1990: Faced with the widespread destruction of the environment, people everywhere are coming to understand that we cannot continue to use the goods of the earth as we have in the past. Kapanalig, kailangan na natin ng pagbabago. Kailangan na natin ng green transport.

Sumainyo ang Katotohanan.


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Gospel Reading for July 19, 2024 – Matthew 12: 1-8


Jesus was going through a field of grain on the sabbath. His disciples were hungry and began to pick the heads of grain and eat them. When the Pharisees saw this, they said to him, “See, your disciples are doing what is unlawful to do on the sabbath.” He said to the them, “Have you not read what David did when he and his companions were hungry, how he went into the house of God and ate the bread of offering, which neither he nor his companions but only the priests could lawfully eat? Or have you not read in the law that on the sabbath the priests serving in the temple violate the sabbath and are innocent? I say to you, something greater than the temple is here. If you knew what this meant, I desire mercy, not sacrifice, you would not have condemned these innocent men. For the Son of Man is Lord of the sabbath.”


Laws are made and are meant to bring peace and order in countries, in communities/groups. When the effect of laws we make are CONTRARY to this, they create confusion and disorder, therefore defeating their purpose. The Laws of God are also meant to bring peace and order, not only to a certain community, but to the whole of human family. The interpretation of the scribes and Pharisees of the Laws of God made the Laws confusing and brought disorder to the Jews, especially when Jesus came not to abolish the law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5: 17).

The Laws of God are perfect. If we follow them as Christ taught them, we are sure to achieve peace and order in our lives.

Lord, we want to follow you always!
Sharing the song TEN COMMANDMENTS as taught to children –
First, I must honor God.
Second, honor his name.
Third, honor his day, keep holy,
this will be my aim.
Fourth, I must be obedient.
Fifth, be kind and true.
Sixth, be pure in all I say,
and think and hear and do.
Seventh, I must be honest.
Eighth, be truthful in all things I say.
Ninth, be pure in mind and heart,
in all I think and desire each day.
Tenth, I must be satisfied, not
be jealous come what may.
These are God’s Ten Commandments.
These I must obey.

Inclusive Education

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Kapanalig, isa sa mga senyales na maganda ang kalidad ng edukasyon sa isang lipunan ay ang pagiging inclusive o mapagbilang nito – yung lahat ay may ready access kahit saan man siya nandoon, kahit ano pang kasarian niya, at kakayahan. Kasama dito, kapanalig, ang access ng mga vulnerable populations at disabled people. Kung hindi natin sila mapabilang sa ating education system, hindi makatarungan ang ating gawain.

Ang edukasyon ay isa sa ating mga pangunahing karapatan. Susi ito sa pag-unlad ng isang bansa. Ang pagkakaroon ng inklusibong edukasyon ay isang mahalagang hakbang patungo sa pagtiyak na ang bawat Pilipino, anuman ang kanilang kalagayan o kakayahan, ay nagkakaroon ng patas na pagkakataon upang matuto at magtagumpay. Ang inklusibong edukasyon ay naglalayong tanggalin ang mga hadlang na pumipigil sa pag-aaral ng mga mag-aaral na may iba’t ibang pangangailangan.

Isa sa pinaka-malaking hamon, kapanalig ng inclusive education sa ating bansa ay ang pagkakaroon ng abot kayang programa para sa mga disabled children. Dito matingkad, halimbawa, ang mga pangangailangan ng mga batang nasa autism spectrum sa ating bayan. Napakalaking halaga ang kailangan, lalo ng mga maralitang pamilya, na tustusan ang kanilang pangangailangang pang-edukasyonal. Mula sa diagnosis pa lamang, marami na ang nangangapa, paano pa kaya nila mahihimay ang iba pang therapies o activities na kailangan para makapasok at makagamit sa pasilidad at program na akma sa kanila?

Isang entry-point na maari sana nating patatagin, kapanalig, ay ang early childhood care and education, lalo na sa mga bulnerableng bata. Kailangang nating magtaguyod sa barangay level o community level ng mga child care centers kung saan ang bawat mag-aaral ay nararamdaman na sila ay bahagi ng isang komunidad na nagmamalasakit at tumatanggap sa kanila. Malawakang training ang kailangan dito, at kailangang tiyakin na tunay na naabot ang maralita dahil hindi nila kakayanin ang presyo at kahit logistics pa ng mga therapies at activities na available ngayon para sa mga batang may mga disabilities.

Kailangan natin pag-diinan dito kapanalig, ang komunidad dahil ang tagumpay ng inklusibong edukasyon ay nakasalalay sa pagtutulungan ng buong pamayanan. Ang mga magulang, lokal na pamahalaan, at iba pang stakeholders ay dapat na magtulungan upang masiguro na ang mga pangangailangan ng mga mag-aaral ay natutugunan. Hindi lamang resources at infrastructure ang kailangan, kailangan ang pakialam, kaalaman, at pagmamahal dahil malakas ang stigma laban sa mga may kapansanan, kulang sa pagsasanay ang mga guro, at hirap ang lito ang mga kaanak at magulang.

Angkop sa puntong ito ang paalala ng Populorum Progressio, na bahagi ng panlipunang turo ng Simbahan: Minsan, ang makatarungang buhay ay tila ilusyon dahil sa hirap ng buhay na dinadanas ng mga mamamayan. Pero pag may mas maayos na edukasyon, kapag may oportunidad, nagkakaroon tayo ng pagkakataon na “to do more, know more and have more in order to be more.”

Sumainyo ang Katotohanan.

Put life in order

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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II
Friday in the Fifteenth Week of Ordinary Time, Year II, 19 July 2024
Isaiah 38:1-6, 21-22, 7-8     <*((((><  +  ><))))*>     Matthew 12:1-8
Photo by author, somewhere in Bgy. Kaysuyo, Alfonso, Cavite, 27 April 2024.

When Hezekiah was mortally ill, the prophet Isaiah, son of Amoz, came and said to him: “Thus says the Lord: Put your house in order, for you are about to die; you shall not recover. Then Hezekiah turned his face to the wall and prayed to the Lord… Then the word of the Lord came to Isaiah: “Go, tell Hezekiah: Thus says the Lord, the God of your father David: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you: in three days you shall go up to the Lord’s temple; I will add fifteen years to your life” (Isaiah 38:1-2, 4-5).

God our Father,
help us
 to put our house in order;
give us the courage and
strength to put our lives
in order
by sincerely admitting our sins
with a firm resolve to turn away
from them and live the gospel
of Jesus your Son.
Let me put order
to my spiritual life by cultivating
the discipline to pray daily
keeping that relationship with You;
let me put order in my life
by seeking ways to be more
loving with others than
finding their faults;
let me put order in my life
by being less judgmental of others
to be more charitable and understanding.
Like Hezekiah
let me accept my fate,
let me accept death:
"In the noontime of life I must depart!
To the gates of the nether world
I shall be consigned
for the rest of my years" (Isaiah 38:10);
how wonderful that without praying
for his healing but for the grace
to accept your will,
You healed Hezekiah
and prolonged his life
to serve You more than ever.
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