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By nature, we are people who trust. When we receive facts, we tend to believe right away, rather than doubt. When we receive a gift, our nature is to say thank you rather than suspect ulterior motives. When we receive love, our nature is to love back in return.
But if you have trusted and have been betrayed, your experience would be similar to the Lamb of God who was innocently brought to slaughter. The Lamb of God was so trusting, loving and sincere. In His sincerity, love and trust, He actually put His head on the chopping board. He was slaughtered because He was too trusting.
But the Lamb of God gives us life because He never gives up trusting. On the other hand, we who have been betrayed, can lose hope or doubt others. In doing so, we do not grow because growth is only possible for those who trust.
Trust is like a seedbed for growth. If it is wide, the tree grows big. If space is limited, we have a small tree. Trust in other people is our root. If we are unable to trust, we will not grow and bear fruit.
All of us have trusted and been betrayed. But let us not allow past betrayals to become obstacles to trusting those worthy of such. Let us not be afraid to trust people again because the kingdom of God and the life of Christ is for those who trust.
Is 53:7
Jesus In My Heart