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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Wednesday, Feast of Sts. Philip & James the Less, Apostles, 03 May 2023 1 Corinthians 15:1-8 ><))))"> + ><))))"> + ><))))"> John 14:6-14
Thank you, dearest Lord Jesus Christ for the gift of two Apostles whose feast we celebrate today, St. Philip and St. James the Less; thank you in giving us examples to personally be near you, to be one with you and to be one in you.
How lovely it is to recall when Philip along with Andrew approached and asked you where you stayed and you told them to "come and see"; what they saw and experienced must be so wonderful that Philip was so convinced in calling Nathanael to come and see you whom he had recognized as the Messiah. In being your apostles, Philip and James remind us of the need to be close and familiar with you to discover your true identity, to enter into a personal contact with you by listening, responding and communing in you Jesus daily, of the need to dwell in you always. During your last supper, you expressed clearly how the word "dwelling" means - intimacy and oneness in the Father in you and with one another also in you, dear Jesus.
Your cousin James who eventually became the bishop of Jerusalem practiced this meaning of dwelling in you by working to resolve the the tensions among the Jewish and Hellenist converts to Christianity; how beautiful that the early Church lived in harmony with each other, rooted in you, Jesus, our home, our dwelling. Amen.