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Some people live by their first impressions. So if you create a good impression on them, they will always trust you. believe in you and love you. Some people live by first impressions, so if you make a very bad first step, it is the end of you.
Other people live by first mistakes. They threaten their loved ones by saying, “One more mistake and I will leave you!” Some live by their first mistakes and say, “One mistake, one single mistake, and you’re done.”
On the other hand, some people go by last chances. They say, “This is your first and last chance. Nothing else follows after this.”
The Lord is not in any of these categories. The Lord is not the Lord of first impressions. The Lord is not the Lord of first mistakes. The Lord is not the Lord of last chances.
His first impression of Peter was that Peter was “below average.” His first impression of Peter was that he was an impulsive man. Peter was a temperamental man who talked without thinking. And yet, Jesus did not allow that first impression to determine His choice of the first apostle, The Lord is not a first mistake Lord because He would allow us – respecting our freedom – to commit mistakes, learn from them and rise up from them. As far as the Lord is concerned, there is no last chance, because the Lord is a Lord of infinite chances.
Brothers and sisters, to which of the categories do we belong? First impressions, first mistakes, last chances? Or should we not follow the Lord of infinite chances, should we not follow the Lord of infinite opportunities, should we not follow the Lord who is rich in mercy?
Jn 21:15-19
Jesus In My Heart