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Dearest Mother, your fidelity to Elizabeth during those three months set a beautiful example of care, concern and service. Help me to follow your example and to daily look for the opportunities I have been given to love those who are in need. May I be open to service in great and small ways and never waiver in my calling to love.
Dearest Mother, you were also faithful to the end as you stood with perfect fidelity before the Cross of your Son. It was your motherly heart that gave you the strength to stand and gaze at your beloved Son in His agony. May I never turn away from my crosses or the crosses that others carry. Pray for me that I may also be a shining example of faithful love to all who have been entrusted to my care.
My precious Lord, I commit to You with all my heart, soul, mind and strength. I commit to gazing upon You in Your agony and pain. Help me to also see You in others and in their sufferings. Help me to imitate the fidelity of Your own dear mother so that I may be a pillar of strength for those in need. I love You, my Lord. Help me to love You with all that I am.
Mother Mary, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.
Saturday of First Week of Lent | March 4, 2023