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The gospel of John does not present an extended temporal sequence (as Luke-Acts did) of post-Easter events: appearances, ascension, and Pentecost. For John these are but different aspects of a single transcendent event, the resurrection-exaltation of Jesus. Thus the first appearance of Jesus to his disciples (20:19-23, the gospel for Pentecost Sunday), occurs on the evening of the resurrection. He has already gone to the Father (20:17); his now glorified state is indicated by his appearance behind locked doors (vv19, 26) and his conferral of the Spirit and its accompanying peace (v19, 21, 22, 26).
This is the high point of the post resurrectional activity of Jesus where the breathing forth the Spirit is central (v22). The verb ‘emphysáō’, (ἐμφύσαω) is rare and found here only. It echoes LXX of Gen 2:7, the creation of man where God breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. It is used again in Wis 15:11 rephrasing the creation account: ‘breathing into him a living spirit’. And in the vision of the valley of the bones in Ez 37:3-5 where the “son of man” prophesied to the dry bones that ‘I will cause breath (spirit) to enter you and you shall live’. Thus Jesus breathes his own Holy Spirit into the disciples giving them eternal life and a pledge of divine begetting to all future believers who will hear his word. And with the conferral of the Spirit is the forgiveness of sins that will bring about peace, the restoration of harmony between God and creation and within the created order itself. This ministry of forgiving and granting peace by Jesus is entrusted and continued by his apostles and their successors.
The Pentecost celebration is a reminder therefore about new life. The Holy Spirit transformed the confused and fearful disciples into the Body of Christ and being breathed with the very mind of Christ, a whole new understanding, became a new creation. This is what we celebrate today, the birthday of the Church, the Body of Christ. and it happens to each one of us when we are baptized and confirmed and remain as members of his body every time we are forgiven and get reconciled after sinning. And like the disciples we received the mission and empowered to continue the work Jesus has begun, according to each gifts one has received to complete God’s kingdom on earth and realize his gift of peace on earth under the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit.