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1 Kg 19:4-8
This story about Elijah takes place after Elijah’s life has been threatened by Jezebel (v2). The prophet flees for his life to Beer-sheba, south of Judah, and then on to the desert (vv3f). His state of depression leads to a death wish (v4). This is indicative of his lack of faith in God But he is twice miraculously fed by an angel, a visible manifestation of Yahweh himself (vv6ff). Fortified enough, he started the trip to Horeb (also known as Sinai). This experience recalls the experience of Israel in being provided food and drink in the desert (Ex 16-17).
John 6:41-51
Jesus continues his Bread of Life discourse after he feeds the multitude. And with his earlier rebuttal of the Jews regarding the bread that comes from heaven(vv31f), they murmured (vv41, 43, echoing the Israelites’ conduct before the provision of manna and quail, Ex 16:2, 8f). To Jesus’ “spirit” level declaration of origins (v41) they remain on the “flesh” level, seeing no farther than his human parents (v42). Jesus sees their inability to accept him as overcome only by faith, which is ultimately a gift of the Father (v44). Each time Jesus speaks of accepting his teaching in faith, he notes the eternal quality of faith. Thus it leads to resurrection (v44), life forever (vv47, 51), and a life without death (v50). Like the living water (4:14), this bread finds its proper terminus only in everlasting life. With this Jesus accents his divine origins with the Father and the destiny of all those who accept him in faith.
Eph 4:30-5:2
By baptism, members of the Christian community were sealed in the Spirit as a pledge of their definitive redemption at the time of the parousia (v30; 1:13f). The Spirit expresses itself in unity and love; any conduct to the contrary within the community is said to “sorrow the Spirit.” The list of vices centers on uncontrolled irascibility (v31), a type of conduct that is seriously disruptive. Christians, on the contrary, must take God as their example, principally in forgiving (v32) and showing charity. The example of God’s charity is Jesus who offered himself in sacrifice for the world (5:2). This same person of Christ is the model of love, compassion, and kindness.
As we celebrate the Eucharist, with faith let us partake of the real bread that comes from heaven so that we may live here and now the very life of Christ and merit to enter into the inheritance the Father has promised. Amen.