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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Friday, Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary, 07 October 2022 Galatians 3:7-14 ><}}}}*> + ><}}}}*> + ><}}}}*> Luke 11:15-26
God our loving Father, thank you in making us experience your saving power in the most unusual manner; the imagery is most unique like when Jesus used again that Old Testament expression "finger of God":
But if it is by the finger of God that I drive out demons, the the Kingdom of God has come upon you.
Luke 11:20
How lovely is that imagery of "finger of God" as the power of God to drive out demons; the only other instances "finger of God" was used were in the Book of Exodus when the Pharaoh's magicians admitted the plagues were the works of "the finger of God" and secondly to describe how the Ten Commandments were written by the "finger of God" on two tablets of stone; and now, Jesus described his driving away of a demon from a possessed man as work of the "finger of God".
In all instances, O God, your power so great is so unlike of what we know of worldly power that is threatening and menacing; was it coincidental, dear God, that the most powerful prayer instrument we now have is the Holy Rosary that is literally found on our fingers too? As we pray the Rosary with our lips and fingers, suffuse us with your power that loves and heals, forgives and cares; may we "imitate" what the mysteries of the Rosary "contain" by following Jesus like Mary in all his joys and sufferings, glory and light. Like during the time of Christ, we are being attacked in all fronts by many detractors who refuse to acknowledge the Holy Rosary is a Christocentric prayer that contemplates the life of Jesus our Savior through the face of Mary his Mother; as we meditate the life of Christ through the Rosary beads with our fingers, let us experience your great power anew, your power to love and care especially the sick and suffering, the lost and forgotten so that in the end, may your power triumph over the evils of the world expressed in dominance and manipulations, lies and character assassinations, and disrespect for life and persons. Amen. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, Pray for us!