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New Year 2025
From the infancy narratives, written from a post-Easter theological perspective, it is impossible to determine how much Mary understood at the time of Jesus’ conception and birth. However, Luke’s Gospel repeatedly highlights her reflections on what God was revealing through the message of the angel, the words of the shepherds, and the words of Jesus when, as a boy, he is found in the temple. She is portrayed as a woman of faith, and the Church presents her life as an example for us on the first day of the New Year.
The Book of Numbers (6:22-27) recounts the priestly blessing conferred upon the Israelites. This blessing invokes an abundance of God’s kindness and goodness, which we all need throughout the year. Paul reminds us that Yahweh’s goodness became incarnate in Jesus, who makes us all children of the one Father through the gift of the Spirit. The humanity of God was made possible through the cooperation of a woman, as referenced outside of the Gospels in Galatians 4:4-7.
In the Gospel (Luke 2:16-21), the shepherds share with Mary and Joseph the message they received: Jesus is the Messiah, Savior, and Lord. For Mary, this mystery leads to prayer and reflection.
As we begin the New Year, let us join Mary in solitude and prayer, for our faith life and our relationship with God depend as much on prayer as they do on discernment, study, or counseling. If Mary, who is celebrated today as the Mother of God, grew in her understanding of what that means through prayer, we, too, can find meaning in our lives by following her example. Amen. Wishing everyone a more reflective and prayerful New Year!