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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Monday in the Twenty-Seventh Week of Ordinary Time, Year II, 03 October 2022 Galatians 1:6-12 ><000'> + ><000'> + ><000'> Luke 10:25-37
Praise and glory to you, O God our loving Father! Thank you for this great Monday, the first working day of October! Stir into flame your gift to me, dear God, (2 Tim. 1:6), fill me with zest fill me with passion fill me with life to forge on amid all the difficulties and trials this day this week may bring to me.
Like the zeal and enthusiasm of St. Paul, let me be firm in asserting your Good News of salvation in Christ Jesus: "If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a slave of Christ" (Galatians 1:10c).
Keep me faithful to you, Lord, and stop me from pretending somebody else, impressing people by claiming to be your disciple in all of its outward signs without your Cross. Keep me faithful to you, Lord and stop me from seeking attention, perks and privileges to be famous by claiming to be your disciple but afraid to suffer, afraid of losing, afraid of failures. Keep me faithful to you, Lord, not to the cultic signs and symbols we have developed in deepening our faith in you but, like the priest and the Levite in your parable today, have totally disregarded the wounded and sick, the abandoned and lost, the sinful and poor.
Deepen my faith, strengthen my faith to have passion in doing your works, Lord; forgive me, Jesus, when I think and see more of efficiency and programs without meeting and experiencing persons, building relationships in you, with you, and through you. Amen.