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My dearest Mother, I can only imagine what your heart must have felt as you gazed upon your Son in His broken and beaten state. I can only imagine the pain you felt as you adored every scourge and heard every mockery. But the love within your heart overshadowed every temptation toward anger and despair. Your love for your Son was immaculate and glorious.
My Immaculate Mother, I thank you for also being a faithful and loving mother to me. As I experience the crosses of my own life, I know you are there, standing by me, seeing and experiencing every wound I have. Thank you for your love and concern for me, your child. Help me to be open to the overflowing love in your heart so that this love may become my hope and my strength.
My scourged and mocked Jesus, though covered with wounds and surrounded by ridicule, You never gave in to hate. Your act of perfect acceptance of this abuse transformed sin into grace. Pour forth that grace upon me, dear Lord. Help me to turn to You in my times of need.
My dear Mother, pray for me. Jesus, I trust in You.
Friday of Third Week of Lent | March 17, 2023