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And stretching out his hand toward his disciples, he said, "Here are my mother and brothers. For whoever does the will of my heavenly Father is my brother, and sister, and mother." (Matthew 12:49-50)
Praise and glory to you, our dear God and Father in heaven for always reaching out to us your sinful children. Since the Fall of Adam and Eve, you have never failed to be the first to reach out to us who always flee and hide from you.
In the fullness of time, you reached out to us in the most unique way by sending us your Son Jesus Christ who was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our dear patroness of the beautiful Mt. Carmel where many hermits have sought refuge as they intensely reached out to you in prayers.
How wonderful it is, O Lord, that when the Carmelites led by St. Simon Stock asked for a sign so they may continue with their mission, the Blessed Mother appeared to him, stretching her hand, reaching out to give him the scapular as a sign of divine protection in this life to eternity.
When your Son Jesus Christ offered himself for us on the Cross, he stretched out his hands, too reaching out to you, Father, for us your beloved children; when his Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to us on many occasions she also stretched out her hands to us.
What a beautiful gesture, dear God our Father, by your Son Jesus Christ and his Mother to always stretch their hands reaching out to us who keep on turning away from you to sins; teach us, O Lord through Mary to stretch out our hands too to you in praise and thanksgiving and most especially to others in our loving service and care for the needy as a sign of our reaching out to you, O God, who wants us all to reach you in heaven. Amen.