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The Church is compared to the shrub of mustard. From here, we can learn two missions of the Church. The first, according to the parable, is that different birds nest on the tree’s branches. Such is the Church. The Church exists, not only for an exclusive community, but for all men and women of varied origins, varied educational backgrounds, varied cultures and varied races. The Church is for everybody. That is why the Church is called universal. That is why it is called Catholic. Because we are not choosy, we are a Church for all.
The second mission of the Church, according to the parable of the mustard seed, is that the Church exists in order to give rest to the birds. The Church exists in order to give rest to people. When we are tired, we go home. When birds break their wings, they return to their nest. When children are bruised, they run to their parents. When adults get hurt,they seek the comfort of their paternal or maternal homes. Such is the Church. It is for people who have no place to return to, for people who have no homes waiting for them, for people who want to rest, but cannot. The Church is not here to confuse people. The Church is not here to make trouble. The Church is here to offer rest.
Remember two things: The Church is for all. The Church is here to offer rest. If you belong to this Church, you must also share in that mission. Every Christian must be a person for all, and every Christian should be a soothing rest for all others.
Mt 13:31
Jesus In My Heart