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32nd Sunday B
1 Kgs 17:10-16
The passage describes a miracle involving the prophet Elijah during a drought in Israel and Phoenicia. The story highlights Yahweh’s providential care for both the prophet and a widow in dire circumstances, emphasizing her willingness to give from her limited resources. Despite her initial hesitation, the widow acts in blind faith by providing for Elijah, which leads to God’s promise of replenished supplies of flour and oil being fulfilled. This narrative illustrates divine intervention and serves as an example of God’s outreach to Gentiles, as noted in Jesus’ teachings in Luke
Heb 9:24-28
The reading emphasizes the superiority of Christ’s sacrifice compared to the Jewish sacrificial system. His sacrifice is singular and transcendent, offered once for all humanity, unlike the repetitive sacrifices in the Jerusalem sanctuary. As High Priest, he entered the eternal heavenly sanctuary, distinct from earthly rituals (v24). The sacrifice of Jesus is definitive and cannot be repeated, paralleling the finality of death, which leads to judgment (vv25f). His sacrifice takes away the sins of many, referencing the servant of Yahweh from Isaiah 53:12, emphasizing its universal applicability (v28). All this should be read in the context of the linear Jewish understanding of history, marking the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice in the final era of redemption (v27).
Mk 12:38-44
The gospel contrasts the false religious spirit of the scribes (vv38ff) with the true spirit of a poor widow (v41-44). Jesus critiques the scribes for their pride, hypocrisy, and exploitation of widows, highlighting their ostentation and neglect of their responsibilities. In contrast, the widow’s humble offering of two minimal coins exemplifies genuine faith and sacrifice, as she contributes all she has while others give out of surplus. The coins which she offered (Gr: lepla) were the smallest in circulation; their market value was minimal (v42). The offering of two insinuates that she could have kept one for herself. This underscores a deeper message about true generosity and religious dedication, showcasing the disparity between the actions of the religious leaders and the faithful response of the widow.
The two widows in today’s readings offer important lessons about the meaning of sacrifice and the essence of giving, even when it means letting go of what is essential for one’s survival. In both cases, charity comes at a significant cost. They exemplify true generosity, sacrifice, and religious devotion. May we strive to follow their inspiring example. Amen.