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As we resume the Ordinary Time in our Church calendar, your words today, O God, speak so much of our similar situation in life: another round of increases in petroleum prices is not only making life insane for car owners but so difficult most especially for the poor! Is there really a way, O Lord, you can make their oil wells run dry suddenly to make them realize their insensitivities to other peoples?
Many of us could not complain at all because life has always been hard and difficult ever since; to complain and whine of the economic crunch hurting us are useless and a waste of energies; all we have is you, God our Father! We only have you as our hope and salvation and consolation in hard times like these like your prophet Elijah.
The brook near where Elijah was hiding ran dry, because no rain has fallen in the land. So the Lord said to Elijah: “Move on to Zarephath of Sidon and stay there. I have designated a widow there to provide for you.”
1 Kings 17:7-9
When things get worst and seem to turn against us, make us realize always that you are simply asking us to trust you more because a new chapter in our faith journey in you and with you is about to unfold. Never let us entertain thoughts you have forgotten us or worst, had withdrawn support from us. That never happens with you, Father, because you love us so much!
Give us the grace through your Son Jesus that we keep our taste as salt, giving flavor and meaning in you even in our most bland situation in life; keep our light shining in Christ amid the many darkness and gloom of our time to give others even a glimmer of hope and meaning in life. Amen.