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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Wednesday in the Easter Octave, 12 April 2023 Acts 3:1-10 ><}}}'> + <'{{{>< Luke 24:13-35
Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ in leading us back to you, to Jerusalem in those many nights of our lives when we walked the opposite direction of going back to Emmaus, to our previous ways of life like those two disciples on that Easter afternoon. Oh what a joy, dearest Lord that even for a while you walk with us going the opposite direction, listening to our frustrations and disappointments when things do not happen as we have planned and expected; no coercions, no reprimands except for calling us "foolish" and "slow of the heart" to believe the Scriptures (Lk.24:25) for that is what we really are!
Forgive us, Jesus, when we easily give up to failures and shortcomings that we leave you and your mission entrusted to us; help us find our way back to you, to Jerusalem! Most especially, keep our hearts "burning" with love and zeal for you, sharing you with others, strengthening them, raising them up like what Peter and John did to the crippled man at the Beautiful Gate as we continue to seek you O Lord even in darkness and emptiness, sadness and losses, sickness and failures. Amen.