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Gospel Reading for August 02, 2024 – Matthew 13: 54-58
Jesus came to his native place and taught the people in their synagogue. They were astonished and said, “Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds? Is he not the carpenter’s son? Is not his mother named Mary and his brothers James, Joseph, Simon, and Judas? Are not his sisters all with us? Where did this man get all this?” And they took offense at him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house.” And he did not work many mighty deeds there because of their lack of faith.
“And he did not work many mighty deeds there because of their lack of faith.”
God never imposes his will on us. We are his MASTERPIECE. He made us in his image and likeness, therefore, we have something of everything he has. Look at us – we have the freedom to govern our lives; we have superb intelligence, being able to do strategic analysis and analytical thinking; we have the capacity to reflect even on abstract matters, which is why we are able to have self-awareness and develop faith in God; we have an immense creative ability; we are able to make decisions, discern right from wrong and set goals which we are able to achieve; we are able to communicate with one another having diverse languages and dialects all over the world; we have a great capacity for reasoning; we have empathy and emotional intelligence; we are able to develop culture and arts; we have the capacity to resolve conflicts; we have the ability to negotiate and persuade; we are able to develop tools, machineries, and machines; we have the capacity to develop the sciences and technology; we have the capacity for perseverance, and are able to work in a team; we are able to control our environment. There are so many other attributes we have, and all these show the richness of what we are because of what we have received from the source of all these. If we only put all these to good use, how wonderfully amazing, life would be in this world!
Teach us Lord, to put all the abilities and attributes you have given us, to good use, so we may take part in the building of your Kingdom here on earth!