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Prayer is our strength. Prayer is a strong tool. Where does prayer get its strength? The strength of prayer does not come from the one who prays. The strength of prayer comes from the one to whom it is addressed.
In other words, prayer does not become a strong tool because we pray. Prayer becomes strong on account of the God to whom we pray. We only become strong if we depend on God. Our strength does not come from within us. Our strength comes from outside of us, from the one we lean on, from the one we depend on, from the one we stand on.
When we pray, we become strong, not because prayer in itself is strength. We become strong not because of our own strength but on account of the one to whom we pray. Let us not forget that principle because sometimes we begin to think that when we pray, God becomes weaker, when we pray we have the power to change God. That is not the intention of prayer. The strength of prayer does not come from us. The strength of prayer comes from the one we rely on: God!
Mt. 7:7-12
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