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The Lord Is My Chef Easter Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Tuesday in the Fifth Week of Easter, 30 April 2024 Acts 14:19-28 <*((((>< + ><))))*> John 14:27-31

Your words today, O Lord Jesus, are very comforting and soothing on these extremely hot days of summer; and how amazing your words were set in the most distressing situations: in the first reading, Paul was stoned and dragged out of Lystra, "supposing he was dead" (Acts 14:19); in the gospel, as You spoke of Your impending betrayal and arrest leading to Your Passion and Death, You spoke about peace, telling Your disciples "Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid" (Jn.14:27).
How amazing, dear Jesus, are Your strength and courage to assure others even in the midst of great turmoil Yourself; where did Paul get those grace and power to strengthen the spirits of others, exhorting them to persevere in faith (Acts 14:22) after he almost got killed?

Many times, my Lord, I cave into myself, worst, sulk in isolation from the rest when disappointed and hurt; keep me strong, dear Jesus, let me persevere in face of trials and difficulties like Paul, keeping in mind that difficulties are temporary, are meant to purify and strengthen me because the enemy has no power over me for You have already conquered the world in love; let me rejoice in the face of my adversaries so that the world may know and experience Your great love poured upon me in Your passion and death. Amen.