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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Tuesday in the First Week of Advent, St. Francis Xavier, 03 December 2024 Isaiah 11:1-10 <'[[[[>< + ><]]]]'> Luke 10:21-24
How lovely indeed are your words this Season of Advent, O Lord our God as we listen to Prophet Isaiah's colorful prophecies about peace when preys and predators live in harmony:
Then the wolf shall be a guest of the lamb, and leopard shall lie down with the kid; the calf and the young lion shall browse together, with a little child to guide them. The cow and the bear shall b e neighbors, together their young shall rest; the lion shall eat hay like ox. The baby shall play by the cobra’s den, and the child lay his hand on the adder’s lair (Isaiah 11:6-8).
Right now, many of us are in darkness, some are about to give up in life, losing hope, frustrated and disappointed in themselves, in their work, and worst, in their relationships; help us imagine this amazing scene from Isaiah's prophecy heralding the Christ's advent.
Fill us with hope, loving Father so we may cooperate with your grace to accomplish Your "mission impossible" like St. Francis Xavier who gloriously accomplished "mission impossible" in the Far East as he took to heart the final words of St. Ignatius his superior, "Go set all in fire."
Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Prince of Peace who had come, would come again, and continues to come to us daily in our lives: open our eyes, teach us to trust in You like little children; give us that childlike attitude of believing and hoping "mission impossible" is possible, that there's nothing we cannot accomplish for as long as we are in You; reawaken our hopes in You, Jesus, despite the defiance of history and other people in your plans of peace and joy, of fulfillment and life right here, right now. Amen.