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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Wednesday in the Seventeenth Week of Ordinary Time, Year I, 02 August 2023 Exodus 34:29-35 >><)))*> + >><)))*> + >><)))*> Matthew 13:44-46
God our loving Father, let our face reflect your glory and majesty, your love and mercy like Moses as described in our first reading today. How lovely and awesome too that after meeting with you face to face, the skin of Moses' face was radiant that they were afraid to approach him; very clearly you have left traces of you on his face whereas we on the other hand, despite our coming to you, listening to your word, and receiving your Son Jesus in the Eucharist, our face remain the same? More sad is how we could not find or refuse to recognize your face on everyone's face especially those nearest to us like family and friends; despite our coming to you, listening to your word, and receiving your Son Jesus in the Eucharist, our face could not reflect the joy of finding you, Lord, like a hidden treasure buried in the field or a fine pearl finally found by a merchant.
God our Father, let us face squarely our problem with our face; it is not merely the skin nor its lines nor its glow that creams and cosmetics may hide for sometime; like you and Moses meeting face-to-face in your tent, may we realize whatever is found in our face is a reflection of what is truly inside our hearts, when there is union of life and love that happens in our union in you through Jesus Christ. Amen.