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All of us have problems to be solved. All of us have doubts to be clarified. All of us have burdens to be unloaded. Some have more problems than others. Some carry heavier burdens than others. But all of us have problems and all of us have difficulties.
The way we solve problems may be approached in three ways. The first way to approach a problem is to rely only on yourself. Here it would seem as if all intelligence, power, and wealth are at your disposal to solve a problem. This is called boastfulness. The second way to solve a problem is to pray and pray and pray. This approach depends only on God, totally on God, and after praying, one does nothing. This is also wrong. It is called fanaticism, or in some ways, it may also be tagged as laziness.
Another way to solve a problem is not to rely on yourself or on God completely, but on somebody or something else completely. You run to other people to solve your problem for you. These three approaches are all deficient. How do we solve a problem? We rely totally on God as if everything depends on Him and work as if everything depends on us. But after working totally and praying totally we also ask for the help of other people because we know we cannot live alone.
This is the way to solve a problem. This is the way to confront our burdens. Not solely on God, He cannot do that without your cooperation. And God uses human instrumentalities to help us. Pray totally, depend totally on God; work totally as if everything depended on you, and ask the help of other people because no man is an island. These three working together will make our prayers effective. These three working together will make our efforts successful. These three working together will improve our relationships.
Mt 26:36
Jesus In My Heart