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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Monday after the Ascension, Memorial of St. Rita of Cascia, Religious, 22 May 2023 Acts 19:1-8 ><]]]]'> + ><]]]]'> + ><]]]]'> John 16:29-33
Thank you dear Jesus for conquering the world for us (John 16:33) in your Passion, Death and Resurrection; Your gift of the Holy Spirit affirms each day in us your conquest of the world. Forgive us, dear Lord, when so many times we refuse to let your Holy Spirit operate and work in us; so many times we take your Holy Spirit for granted that we are easily attracted and swayed by others to leave our Catholic faith when we see "the light" in other Christian sects and other modern beliefs.
Remind us, O Jesus, that to live in the Holy Spirit and conquer the world is to nurture its dwelling in us in prayers and the sacraments, particularly the Holy Eucharist which animates and empowers us to come in close contact with other faithful to form your Body, your community of disciples; Help us, O Christ, to renew our commitment in Baptism to proclaim your good news of salvation in the context of a community of disciples united and led by the Holy Spirit.
Like St. Rita de Cascia whose memorial we celebrate today, give us the courage to affirm your victory in the world by being more firm in our stance for what is right and good, fair and just and true in the spirit of a community and oneness. Amen.