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A few months ago, I was host to a garden party in the Cardinal’s house where the families of the Cardinal’s benefactors were gathered and thanked. It was supposed to be a familiar gathering. Written invitations were sent out, including the names of the children. It so happened the typist made the mistake of sending an invitation to a family, naming only one child. Carla, to whom I gave First Communion last year, was not indicated in the envelope. She saw the envelope, and said to herself that she was not coming. So when the parents and the elder brother came, I asked, “Where is Carla?” The mother said, “Father, you forgot to put her name on the envelope.”
So, wanting to ease her ill feeling, I went to the telephone and I told her, “Carla, you are included in the invitation, please come over.” She said to me over the phone, “I am not coming, Father. I already prayed to God to send down rain tonight.” She sounded so sure that her prayers will be answered. I could feel the simple pain of a child through the air waves and vibrations over the telephone. She was so sure the party would be spoiled with the rain that she had asked God to bring down on the party.
We pray, but for what do we pray and with what do we pray? Jesus prayed also. That was the opening sentence of the Gospel. What did He pray for? I don’t know. But from the succeeding sentences you can conclude that He prayed for discernment. He prayed for wisdom to be able to make the right decision. He also acted on that prayer. Acting on our prayers is something most of us neglect to do. We must first pray and then act. Jesus prayed and sought the will of the Father and then later acted on it. What happens most often with us is that we act and, seeing the mistakes, we start praying so that the harm will be controlled.
Pray and then act. On the other hand, there are some of us who pray for discernment, but we don’t act at all. We just keep praying. I beg the Lord for us to have those graces. First, to put prayer before any activity. Second, to put action after every prayer.
Lk 6:37-38
Love Like Jesus