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The Lord Is My Chef Easter Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Friday in the Third Week of Easter, 19 April 2024 Acts 9:1-20 ><]]]]'> + ><]]]]'> + ><]]]]'> John 6:52-59
Lord Jesus, today You tell us how often You write in straight crooked ways that always bring us to the right path in life.
Saul, stil breathing murderous threats against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked him for letters to the synagogues in Damascus, that, if he should find any men or women who belonged to the Way, he might bring them back to Jerusalem in chains. On his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed around him (Acts 9:1-4).
Of course, we know by heart this story of Saul's conversion who became known as Paul; but, what is so lovely in his story is how he persecuted the early Christians then known as followers of the "Way" when on his way near Damascus, You appeared to him, O Lord; Paul eventually reached Damascus not to arrest the followers of the Way but found himself following You, Jesus the only Way in this life!
Many times, Jesus, we are blinded like Paul, going on our own journey and paths in life; like the Jews in Capernaum who were so blinded too that they quarreled among themselves in their inability to grasp what You meant by eating Your flesh.
Dearest Jesus, take away our blindness, send us our own Ananias who would guide us to You like Paul; thank You, Jesus, in allowing us to follow our own path even if it is the wrong way only to let us see eventually how blinded we have been as You slowly lead us back to Your path of faith in You to enable us to hope in You until eventually, we end up serving You lovingly in others whom we have crossed path with as You wondrously write straight our crooked ways to meet You in each other. Amen.