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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Thursday in the Third Week of Advent, 15 December 2022 Isaiah 54:1-10 ><}}}*> + ><}}}*> + ><}}}*> Luke 7:24-30
Your questions today, O Lord Jesus, are so disturbing, touching us to our very core: "What did you go out to the desert to see --- a reed swayed by the wind? Then what did you go out to see? Someone dressed in fine garments? Then what did you go out to see? A prophet?" (Luke 7:24, 25, 26)
What do we want to see this Christmas? What are we expecting? What aspect of life are we more concerned with, the material or the spiritual?
Maybe, it is also about time to examine ourselves and ask, what do people see in us? What do they expect from us, especially us who are supposed to be prayerful and religious?
I wonder, O Lord, when people see us, will they rejoice like what Isaiah spoke of in the first reading? Do I reflect your presence, your healing, your salvation?
Lord Jesus, empty me of my sins and pride, fill me with your humility, justice and love. Amen.