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It must have been painful and frustrating for Jeremiah to be asked by the Lord to preach repentance and not be listened to. He complained to God, “I have no debt and the people laugh at me. I would rather not have been born than preach repentance to these people.”
In his discouragement, the Lord appeared to him and said, “Straighten up and look up, for I will make you a wall of brass. Even if the people do not accept you and attack you, you will remain solid.”
Jeremiah recovered because he trusted in God and His power. His trust brought him immense energy. This same energy was given to Mary and Martha when they grieved over the death of their brother, Lazarus.
Trust in God. We may not be called to convert people like Jeremiah. We may not have to mourn a brother or sister’s death like Martha and Mary. But certainly, we are called to fight every form of evil. We may get discouraged but the Lord assures us, “Aim high because I will make you a wall of brass.”
Sins we repeatedly commit such as holding grudges, being too sensitive, lying, and desiring all the pleasures of the world, are our weaknesses. Conquering them can be frustrating. But the Lord assures us, “You will win the battle against gluttony, untruthfulness, and oversensitivity, not by trusting in yourself, but by trusting in God.”
Spinach for Popeye, Clusivol for professionals, and trusting God is our strength.
Jer 20:7
Jesus In My Heart