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Twenty-four years ago today, dearest Lord Jesus Christ, you gave me, along with my six other classmates the most wonderful gift of ordination to the priesthood; thank you very much from the bottom of my heart! I could not ask for anything else and if ever, indeed, I shall live my life again and you call me, most likely I would still say yes to you - "fearful yet overjoyed" like Mary Magdalene on that Easter morning.
Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went away quickly from the tomb, fearful yet overjoyed, and ran to announce this to his disciples. And behold, Jesus met them on their way and greeted them. They approached, embraced his feet, and did him homage. Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid. Go tell my brothers to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.”
Matthew 28:8-10
How lovely it is to remember this date of our ordination including the years leading to it and the following ones after; I was "fearful yet overjoyed" - so afraid of mistakes and failures yet so raring to explore and learn so much in life and ministry; most of all, I felt "fearful yet overjoyed" so many times I might fall into sins and lose you yet overjoyed because even in my lowest and darkest moments, you were there, Lord, so faithful and loving, forgiving and merciful, never imposing nor insisting but always patient with me.
But there were also many occasions, Lord Jesus, when I felt more fearful without any joy at all; forgive me for doubting you, for turning away from you, choosing sin, believing more to what others say, especially the lies they spread against you and your truth.
Enkindle anew in me, dear Jesus, the warmth and joy of your Resurrection that I may continue to witness your presence and share this truth with those around me like Peter in the first reading by being a living witness of your Paschal Mystery.
I pray for my other classmates too, Lord Jesus - Fathers Ed, Joshua, Romy, Leonard, Arnel as well as Fathers Bien and Felix in Antipolo and Bataan respectively, Fathers Jay in Tarlac and Fr. Jay-El in the Military Ordinariate: let us be focused more on you, Jesus our Caller than with your call, the priesthood; keep us open to your presence and empty to be filled with your light of truth and unity, gentleness and mercy, presence and perseverance. Amen.