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The Lord Is My Chef Daily Recipe for the Soul by Fr. Nicanor F. Lalog II Monday, Memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe, 12 December 2022 Zechariah 2:14-17 ><000'> + ><000'> + ><000'> Luke 1:26-38

Glory and praise to you, God our Father in giving us your Son Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior who was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary who has become our Mother too!
How lovely that on this month of December as we celebrate the Season of Advent in preparation for Christmas, we have two great feasts of the Blessed Virgin Mary: the Solemnity of her Immaculate Conception last December 8 and today, the Memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Philippines and the Americas.
Mary did not just celebrate Advent; she lived Advent because she received Jesus Christ our Lord! Teach us to receive Jesus wholly like Mary, dear Father; teach us to be open like St. Juan Diego to listen and to look at Mary closely so we may believe in her Son Jesus; teach us to see more the signs of Christ's presence in us and among us like the beautiful image of Guadalupe imprinted on the tilma of St. Juan Diego; teach us to find Jesus living, dwelling among us as he came truly human and truly divine into Mary's womb.
How amazing that soon after the coming of the Spaniards in Mexico and the Americas in general, the Blessed Mother appeared to a native, St. Juan Diego; she spoke in his native language and wore clothes filled with signs and symbols well-known among the Aztecs that accordingly was the main reason for the rapid conversion of the peoples there. How amazing, dear Father, as prophesied by Zechariah, that you truly came to dwell among us in Jesus Christ in order to relate with us in the most personal manner, practically living among us!
This Advent, teach us to believe again, Father; teach us to trust in you again, to allow ourselves to be surprised by you again. Amen.